I may have received an A on my parenting test.

*Not proof read.*

I’m big on experiences vs material gift when it comes to all present related holidays. Yes, I consider Birthdays a Holiday! What kind of monster doesn’t? Not to say that material things don’t have value. I have a wedding ring and that most deferentially value! But it in addition to the monetary value it also serves as representation of the commitment Noah and I have made to each other. It has sentimental value beyond being a wedding ring (which I will share in another post at another time maybe, could be possibly not because I will forget or get off task like I have done now.) not to mention the beautiful day he proposed and the day we got married.
And that’s what I want for Eli. I want him to remember the time we spent together. It was something we were never supposed to get.

This year I was lucky enough to get to take him to see The Nutcracker at UNCSA which he sat through almost the entire thing! (Lost him a little around the Sugar Plum). He has loved playing with the Nutcrackers around the house to the extent that my mother got him a stuffed Nutcracker so that he can sleep with one because he kept trying to take the wood ones to bed. During the scene where the Nutcracker grows, the tree grows first with this big swell of music, the rats run around with another swell of music, and then out comes the life size Nutcracker. Out of sheer excitement and awe Eli yelled at the top of his little 2 year old lungs “THE NUTCRACKER!” I am confident that the entire theatre, the cast and the backstage crew heard him. I know that young man playing The Nutcracker/Schasa was THRILLED to have on that mask because I know he was falling out laughing! I would have been! It was a beautiful moment from an enthusiastic theatrical appreciator.  His love of this ballet dose not stop there.
The other day we were in the car and I was listening to the sound track. It got to the part in the music where Fritz breaks the Nutcracker. Eli, who has been silent listening the entire time says “UtOh! It’s broken.” He remembered!?!?! I looked in the backseat to see if something else had broken. Nope. He really was listening to the music and remembered that is when the Nutcracker broke!

For his other experience this Christmas, Noah and I took him to Build a Bear where he was able to pick the animal he wanted to make. He helped stuff is, kissed it, put his heart in, and named him by himself. Our newest “family member” is Buttons. He carried him around with more pride that he had made something happen than if he had just been given something. It was so amazing. It has been a few days and he still carries Buttons everywhere. He even had me make Button P.J.’s! I cut the top off of one of his old onesiey (sp?) and put it on him as he was getting on his P.J.’s. Yeah, it’s getting to be a little over kill. But I like watching him care for Buttons. He carries him around, he kisses him a lot, and when he drops him he always says he sorry. It really is beautiful to see your child show compassion. It is a reminder that your children reflect what you show them. Don’t neglect to show them compassion for yourself.  

It is rare I feel like I score as a parent. I’m going to call this one a win.


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